That time I turned 42

That time I turned 42

42, the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”.
- Douglas Adams

It was my birthday on Monday and it could be summed up in a word: uneventful. Dani was on a long haul trip back from Colorado for much of the day. I’m between clients at work, so that was quite quiet as well. We wound up ordering in, so there I didn’t even get a special dinner out. It’s all good though. Not every year needs to be a banger.

This past weekend I did attend my first Twitchcon. I bought a Saturday pass a few months ago on a bit of a whim. it was a really interesting experience. I went in not knowing anyone or really what to expect. It was a bit of a mishmash of everything. It was somewhere in between GDC and PAX for those familiar. They had all sorts of gaming, panels, shows, and even a small artist alley. Because of some behavioral issues with Laney, I couldn’t stay super long, but I did enjoy the time I got to spend.

It was nice being back at an event like that. And I haven’t felt such a “this is my kind of people” experience in a while. Lovely bunch of weirdos. And the experience definitely has me itching to start streaming again.

As for other things going on, I’m still working on training for London Marathon in the fall. This hot weather has made the difficult task even more daunting. And I would be lying if I said I’m not nervous about it. All I can do is stick to my training and hope for the best. Still fundraising for a great cause, if you can help out! Donate here!

Another thing I’m excited about is, with this bit of calm in client work, I’ve been able to focus more time on game development. I started working on a new concept a couple months ago and it’s come quite a ways already. I’ll hopefully continue working on it during one of my weekly streams. My hope is to publish it to steam sometime in 2023. The gist is: it’s a stylized zombie survival game where you fight the dead by crafting traps and obstacles. Super early screen shot follows.

An early look at code name “Zombie traps”

So here’s to another spin around the sun. Lots of fun plans ahead and super thankful that the people I love are all doing ok.

London Eff'n Marathon

London Eff'n Marathon

Lisbon in the Spring 2022

Lisbon in the Spring 2022